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::: TAXATION :::




The law firm gives support in drawing up the balance sheet (see Wikipedia definition of balance sheet), support in drawing up consolidate balance and extraordinary financial statements, customer accounting and managerial assistance as concerns start up, budget planning and period report, control on the managerial and account procedures, help with budget asset, adoption of a bilingual accounting program, and financial planning and support with the financial statement.

Drafting of business plan and feasibility studies:
Drafting of business plan and feasibility studies for the submission of projects for programs in favour of companies financed by national, international banks, public and private entities, European Union.




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INVESTMENT IN ITALY, find herein the link to our database of articles




find here our database on-line.


Consultancy and assistance on commercial and company law:
The law firm operates in the field of Company setting up in Italy and in other countries, evaluating the best company asset, company and partners tax analysis and documents fulfilment, of organization of both ordinary and extraordinary assemblies, of organization of board of directors (see Wikipedia definition of Board of Directors) - support for fiscal planning in case of share's transfer, of support in preparing contract able to optimize both the economic and fiscal results, of advisory and support as concerns the authorized capital (capital rises, reductions, losses, partners‚ contributions), of contract drawing up and support during negotiations, and of legal assistance.

Consultancy and assistance for fiscal law:
The law firm gives legal assistance as it concerns fiscal problems related to the corporate ordinary activity as well as extraordinary activities both national and international, gives support with managerial decisions in order to optimize the fiscal impact, does the drawing up of fiscal statements or assistance for the customer that use to do it on their own, and operates in the field of fiscal planning both national and international - tax audit.

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